Birds & Poultry

Pesky Pests

As the weather improves, the risk of parasite infection increases

There are a number of Pesky Pests that can live on your chickens or in their housing, and can be a real problem for your flock – it is essential to identify, tackle if necessary and help deter future infestations. Nettex explains…

Types of Pests

Red Mites – These are extremely resilient and live in the crevices of the housing and emerge after dark to feed off the chickens.

Lice & Northern Fowl Mites – These live on your chickens at the base of the feathers and are transferred from wild birds in your garden.

Scaly Leg Mites – Particularly nasty mites that spend their entire life cycle on the chicken, burrowing under the scales of their legs.

Signs of Infestation

– Grumpy and irritable birds

– Birds stop laying or eggs have blood spots

– Avoiding the coop at night

– Sore, raised scales on the legs

– Pecking at legs

– Mites or eggs on the feathers

How to Prevent Them

  1. BE VIGILANT – It is easier to deal with an infestation when it is caught quickly. Pay attention to the nooks and crannies in your coop, and give your birds a monthly health check so you can spot unusual behaviours. Use Scaly Leg Spray on your birds to suffocate mites and bring relief when they are present.
  2. CLEANING – Deep clean your coop every week, then spray with Total Mite Kill Solution (a powerful disinfectant and insecticide). Liberally sprinkle some Total Hygiene Powder to absorb moisture and deter pests. You should completely strip down your coop once a month using Virocur disinfectant for total protection.
  3. BEDDING – Mites and lice love heat and dampness so bedding like newspaper is not ideal. Hay and straw can also harbour mites in the stalks and can contain dust spores.
  4. DUSTBATH – A dustbath in your run encourages social behaviour, and sprinkling some Total Hygiene Powder in it will prevent unwanted pests.
  5. SUNSHINE – UV light is a natural disinfectant that can kill of red mites, so it is a good idea to lay panels out in the sun whilst you clean the coop.
  6. SUPPORT – Mites can cause stress in your birds, but you can support their health and vitality by adding a supplement such as Vit Boost Tonic to their water.
  7. ENVIRONMENT – Whilst your coop should be kept extra clean, don’t forget about their wider environment. Using Ground and Bedding Sanitising Powder in their run will help maintain a healthy environment and keep the ground clear of eggs and bacteria.
PP2021 Social Media 1 Be Vigilant
PP2021 Social Media 7 Support their Health

PP2021 Social Media 2 Implement Cleaning Routine

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